Blog Personal

Hallo 2013

Mabuhay and Hello!

It’s nice to be back in blogging after a long hiatus. The past years have been a roller coaster ride for me with some changes happening with my professional and personal life.

Blog Personal

3 Years


Today is my blog’s “3rd Anniversary”. Not really the date I started blogging but the time I realized that my old blogsite won’t last that long and I need to locate to a new blog host where I can continue blogging.

Blogging is something that I have been missing doing for the past months because of extreme busyness in various workload. No, I don’t hate my work, I love it really but it’s just that the moment when something pops out of my head and wishes to write something about it, I just can’t because of some office policies that prevents me from writing anything. I hope I can really get back into writing sometime. For a social animal like me, I find it difficult when I am unable to express or tell something what goes in my head that is worth discussing.

At any rate, this “thirst”/”hunger” might come to a near end. What’s 6 months anyway? 😛

Blog Personal


100,000 page views

As of this post, my blog has reached 100,000 page views! I consider this as a big milestone for a nobody blogger like me.


Whew! There were times where the blog is a “hit” or a “miss” (based on stats) but nonetheless, I would like to thank everyone who drops by my blog.  Nope, I don’t earn from this – doesn’t allow custom code for analytics code. I am still thinking on how to make money from this. Ha ha ha.

Again, if you are reading this, thanks for visiting!

Blog Filipino Personal

Be Careful with What You Write (on the Net)


Earlier this day, while waiting for some updates regarding my work deliveries last week, I have decided to read something at and I accidentally stumbled upon an entry made by a certain “Tracy”. Honestly, I never knew this issue until I saw this. No, I don’t know this person personally though I remembered Malu Fernandez for her scathing discriminatory remarks to fellow Filipinos in a published article before.

I had my fare experience on speaking out loud in the Internet but just as a warning, learn to practice self-constraint in the internet. This highway of information might open a can of worms that may work or harm you. The last time I talked out loud, a few friends who read my blog gave me a nice warning that while there’s freedom in expressing our thoughts over the net, there should be some form of limitation as you might never know who would blow you away from where you are currently standing.

If you are still curious what this brouhaha has to tell, you can check on this, this, and  this. You be the judge. Personally, I know some Atenean friends who went to the same immersion – in fact even in my previous course (prior shifting to Computer Science), several of my former blockmates’ stories include even getting trapped in the line of fire – military against the “leftists”. I have nothing against Ateneans, just to state a fact. It’s just that, be careful with what you place in the internet. If you can’t help yourself to speak out loud, limit your access to yourself (WordPress and Multiply can do it).

As simple as that.

Blog Wordpress Work

WordPress Never Fails To Surprise Me

I barely write the past days in my blog because of my workload in the office. I do actually have a lot of things running in my mind that I wanted to share but most of them are thoughts without a “formal” tone. It’s not that I want to be “formal’ here in my blog but I can’t seem to compose thoughts well when they’re put into writing. Rather, I’ll have someone over lunch or coffee break to discuss perplexing questions and ideas that run into my head.

This morning, while waiting for our work repository to load (which sometimes load slow), I tried to check how many hits that I had the past day and I was surprised with the new look of WordPress. Many times WordPress has surprised me this year – starting with the increased blog storage limit, to the new redesign, and another redesign that I think they’ll be including in the upcoming 2.7 release.

The design is sleeker and more intuitive than the previous version. While I still have to adjust on the new design, the new look seems to be more attractive for me to blog (ergo catalyzed my urge to blog).  Maybe this is what other design engineers/designers tell that the software is the UI. It is the UI that might work or break your software. Before getting too technical, it’s something that I read somewhere else. 😛


For non-Wordpress bloggers, you can try the WordPress experience yourself. Sign-up now!