Blog Personal


100,000 page views

As of this post, my blog has reached 100,000 page views! I consider this as a big milestone for a nobody blogger like me.


Whew! There were times where the blog is a “hit” or a “miss” (based on stats) but nonetheless, I would like to thank everyone who drops by my blog.  Nope, I don’t earn from this – doesn’t allow custom code for analytics code. I am still thinking on how to make money from this. Ha ha ha.

Again, if you are reading this, thanks for visiting!

ASP.NET DotNet Web Development Windows 7

Windows 7 RC First Impressions

I had the privilege of trying out the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Release Candidate, thanks to my MSDN subscription which is due to expire in the coming months. This is not the first time I tried Windows 7 since I am already trying it during the Beta stage.

Contrary to previous versions of Windows, setting up Windows 7 took me around 22 minutes with few clicks to complete the installation. I opted to test 64-bit this time since I want to maximize the available hardware in my laptop that a 32-bit system won’t be able to fully utilize (that is the OS physically using the whole 4 GB installed in my machine).

A lot of blogs/news articles has been written with regards to the features of Windows 7 so I won’t elaborate/repost them here but since I am more of a developer, I tried setting up the usual tools that I use developing ASP.NET/Silverlight applications.